I work as a Full Time Front End Developer here in this office. This is a SharePoint & Office 365 consultancy who help organisations to plan and build winning intranets, digital workplace tools and business applications for mobile and desktop.
My main role in this office are:
- Converting the PSD into HTML5 / CSS3 / Javascript / Jquery / Boostrap 3 and 4 / Zurb Foundation 6.
- Working with SCSS using Gulp (Task Runner) or Koala (Compiler).
- Work with international product called Wizdom to build intranet using Office 365 and Sharepoint Online. They use Bootstrap 3 and Angular 1.5 as Front End Framework.
- Work with backend developers to build intranet using Sharepoint.
- Develop site using Reveal JS to build presentation based site.
- Make minor code / content changes in CMS like WordPress and Drupal.